Camps For Sponsored Children

The HLBS Camp Program, which has been in existence since 1988, assists children from the Greater Montreal Area (Montréal, Laval, South Shore, North Shore). Its aim is to assist families of modest means by paying the camp fees on their behalf.

See also: HLBS Camp
Program Poster (.pdf)

Day Camps

Various day camps of the Hellenic Community of Greater Montréal, keep children active throughout the summer months.

Camp Edphy, in the Laurentian Mountains, offers children a chance to participate in summer sports, horseback riding, boating and much more, for a two week period.

Special Needs Camps

We also work with special needs camps (i.e. Camp Massawippi, Care, Summit, Peter Hall, Giant Steps and MAB-Mackay) to assist children and young adults of Greek origin to attend camps suited to their special needs. At the same time, it gives the parents a much needed respite from their constant, and often overwhelming, care demands.