Educational Assistance Program (EAP)

For any additional information, please call our HELP LINE at 514-344-1666

The Hellenic Ladies Benevolent Society has been helping with the scholastic needs of underprivileged children in our community for a number of years. However, in April 2015, the Board of Directors of the HLBS established a committee comprised of women from the HLBS who have been active in the educational field and have the competency and dedication to run our scholastic support program.

The funds for this program are the proceeds raised from our Annual Christmas Luncheon. We assist families with school supplies, school supervision fees, lunch fees, uniforms, tutoring, fees for extra-curricular activities, computers, etc. The assistance provided helps to ensure a positive, successful school year for the child.

During the months of December and January, an unprecedented number of requests had been received and assistance was provided to over fourteen children. The expenses included glasses for two children, school supplies, hot lunches and lunch supervision. It is satisfying to know that we are able to help children to have a more rewarding and successful school year.